Liz Kinton
For some reason, I remember Liz Kinton reading a poem in front of Miss Macy's 5th grade room. Miss Macy at that time had not married Paul Flint (but not the custodian Paul Flint who has apparently passed away. My regards to Rich Flint and his family). I thought that poem was one of the best things I had ever heard. Then Tim Rogers pulled a baloney sandwich out of his desk and started eating it. I laughed so hard I forgot about the poem, until now.
These days, Liz is Miss Macy, just the first grade version. What was that teachers name that loved elephants? She was next to Miss Macy. Liz is teaching in Honeoye and her husband in Oakfield-Alabama, which has become a cul-de-sac of sorts for Caledonia grads. Apparently Andrea Neri and Donny Peet are also teaching there. John (Liz's husband) is also the head football coach at Oakfield Alabama. Will John and Dom ever play each other? I mean, it's no Mike verse Tige verse Tony verse Dom verse the Corser's, but it's something. Liz is six months pregnant with her first child. She is due on April 26th. The rule is, you are not allowed to call her anywhere near that date and pretend like your just saying what’s up. April is by far the best month to have a baby. Harper was born on the 18th. For all of you who still go out on Halloween night, John and Liz live right in Caledonia on Stoney Oak Circle.
Liz has left her contacts in the last comment section. If you can help her in anyway with plans for the reunion you should e-mail her your contacts so that you can get in touch. The date is going to be tough to set because no matter when it is someone won't be able to make and that stinks. I like the idea of just picking one and going with it. School begins in early August for me so I won't be at the reunion, but I will be making a trip to Caledonia this summer if any one would like to have a 10-year pre-union. More on that later.
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